Tuesday, February 12, 2013

psalm 8

Psalm 8

O Yahweh, Yahweh, our Yahweh—your beauty and honor fill all time and space!

The weight of your presence is greater than both the heights and depths.
Mere babes speak your story—you put it in their hearts from birth.
Your foes have no words to explain this.
Your opponents cannot stand against you.
Yahweh, when I gaze at the dark sky and know you spread it out…
the sparkling, twinkling perfect lights you placed with precision…
who are we? 
Simple, tiny specks.
And yet—you know us!  You delight in us!
You cared for our eternal position—near to you—
and blessed our lives.
You gave us purpose and hope.
You let us work with the wonders of your creation—
cows and sheep,
badgers and baboons,
pelicans and piranhas,
shrimp and great white sharks.

Oh, Yahweh, Yahweh, our Yahweh—your beauty and honor fill all time and space!

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