Tuesday, May 17, 2011

faith and school: more thoughts from arthur

i'm going to hit you with another quote from arthur holmes in the idea of a Christian college because i am just lovin' what he has to say:

'somehow or other the student must realize that education is a Christian vocation, one's prime calling from God for these years, that education must be an act of love, of worship, of stewardship, a wholehearted response to God. attitude and motivation accordingly afford but a beginning; this personal contact between faith and learning should extend to disciplined scholarship and to intellectual and artistic integrity.'

the chapter i pulled this quote from is on integrating faith and learning. i just love it...love the concepts i am pulling from this little book (it's only 104 pages if you want to pick it up)...love the gentle nudges i am getting, the nods of affirmation about what i am doing.

one's prime calling from God for these years

love it so much.

1 comment:

  1. More A. Holmes
    "To the Christian in a Christian College, then, the development of an inquiring mind becomes an expression of faith, and hope and love addressed to God. It is part of our response to God's self-revelation."

    Ooooolala, this so good. Geneva
