Monday, February 21, 2011

30 by 30 update: full steam ahead

well, despite the crappy ol' turn of weather, i have just been in the best mood lately. which makes me think i should have more to report on my 30 by 30 activity, but...not so much.

1. (get my master's degree) this semester is awesome. busy, but amazing. so many good things. really enjoying classes and time with students. go, team!

2. (pay off debt to dad) it's down to $2400. bit by bit...i'd probably be more excited about this if i wasn't also accumulating student loans at the same time i am paying him back.

9. (road trip with mj) it might happen this summer, if we both head out to colorado. waiting to see. either way, super psyched about seeing colorado friends in a few months. woot!

11. (monthly cooking segment) i made this rad meal, and it was soooo good. got any ideas for next month?

12. (plan a project reunion) i have had lots of random thoughts floating around my head for this one, but nothing is actually on paper yet.

16. (finish my book) clearly, i am not done with my book. there probably would have been some sort of announcement about it. BUT...i did take two solid, uninterrupted hours to work on it yesterday. i worked on the structure, created a general outline, reworked part of the beginning, organized and shifted some things, and did some editing. very super productive for me.

17. (sit in abe's lap) if the weather cooperates, then i am heading north for spring break. and i have every intention of plopping down in mr. lincoln's lap if that's the case.

22. (paint something) i was so close on this one! we had to do a crafty sort of project for group counseling, but it used little foam pieces, yarn, and glue. no paint. shucks.

25. (go on a blind date) i have been talking to my people to make this one happen. hasn't yet, though.

29. (read 100 books) haha...well, i am reading many books at the moment. i just haven't finished any of them since january 21st. since the semester began, however, i have read nearly 1000 pages (split between 5 books and various articles). the sad thing is, i know we read so much more last semester.

so that's the big old update.

are there any items you want me to edit or even completely change on my list?


  1. dinner: tacos or something with tortillas made from scratch! SOO much better than the packaged ones! I just like to eat them plain they're so delish...
